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Importing CSV Bank Statements in Manager.io

TLDR; if you CSV bank import feature with Manager.io, ensure their is a header row with only columns Date, Description, and Amount. The column Reference may exist too. Manager.io app has a bank statement import feature. When selecting CSV, you may get the error message “The file you are trying to import is invalid”. The bank statement import page at https://www.manager.io/guides/9240…

Business Types

Brain dump of how I think about businesses types. Some businesses package multiple types for their offering. Businesses not need to be complex, but only need to offer value. Content Aggregation – These businesses do not focus on creating new content, but rather collecting and aggregating. Examples include News websites, Social Media, Conferences,Blockbuster. Monetization comes…

Bug Hunting Tips

I really enjoy finding and exploiting critical findings. Following the below process helps me finding bugs consistently. 📚 Study Vulnerability Classes Familiarize yourself with different attacks, know when they apply, and understand their mitigations. This is key for three reasons: You increase your probabilities of finding good bugs. If you’re not aware of XXE, you would likely…

Typing Ergonomics – Modal editing, Sticky Keys, Voice Control

I’m a fan of pressing keys sequentially. Pressing multiple keys at the same time (key-chords) can cause unnecessary strain in my opinion. Emacs by default relies heavily on key-chords. Remapping common functions to Function Keys (F1-F12) can help. Personally, I install Evil Mode to use vim bindings within Emacs. Vim allows creating sequential keybindings quite…

How many people are writing memory corruption exploits?

I’ve wondered this for a while (especially when it comes to the private sector job market). Few Interesting Findings From Analyzing Data: ~1% of Global LinkedIn computer security related profiles mention memory corruption terms ( 22K/1.950M) ~1% of US LinkedIn computer security profiles mention memory corruption terms (11K/909K) ~501 Researches have submitted Memory Corruption bugs…